OpenCRVS thinks docker compose is not installed

Hi OpenCRVS team,

I am currently setting up OpenCRVS on Ubuntu Server 24.04 environment and have encountered an issue where OpenCRVS reports that Docker Compose is not installed. Despite my efforts to diagnose and resolve the problem, I have not been successful.

Could you please assist me in identifying the root of this issue and guide me on how to resolve it? Any support or troubleshooting steps you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hello @pankajky , I hope this response is not coming late, but from my experience, there’s a difference between “docker compose” and “docker-compose” (with the dash). So, while you have the docker-compose (v1) installed on your machine which is the older version, opencrvs requires the use of the newer version (docker compose (v2)). So, you will need to install the newer version of compose using the Compose plugin from the command line or having docker destop also solves the problem.

Hi Both,

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