Welcome to the OpenCRVS community!
This is a place for everyone interested in CRVS system strengthening to engage in discussion and healthy debate to explore how we can move the dial on civil registration systems globally. You have the opportunity to share challenges you are experiencing in CRVS transformation projects, propose functionality for the OpenCRVS product, dig into our technical architecture, and collectively explore solutions to ensure that OpenCRVS responds to global CRVS needs.
This community is at the heart of what we do, keeping us honest in how we respond to CRVS realities around the world.
We thank you in advance for being an active participant in this forum - we truly believe that together, we can leave no-one behind.
To help you get the most out of this forum, we’ve put together the following guidelines. We want to make sure this site stays organized and that conversations stay constructive. Please make sure to take a moment to read them!
By participating in this community you are agreeing to our Code of Conduct and will observe the following simple rules:
Be respectful : We welcome and encourage constructive conversations and healthy debate between community members. However, we will not tolerate rude comments, threats, personal attacks, discrimination, or trolling of any kind. Again we want to make sure this community is a safe space for people of all backgrounds, identities, and beliefs.
Keep the forum organized : Help us keep the forum nice and tidy by searching for similar topics before posting a new one.
Marking a solution : Topics in some categories (Product Questions) allow you to mark a comment as the solution. This makes it easy to let others know that the question has been answered with a solution.
Share the love : Use the “like” feature on topics and comments to show your appreciation for it.