What are the underlying factors governments consider when selecting a civil registration system?

A key focus for stakeholders in the civil registration and vital statistics space is understanding countries’ underlying choices when selecting a CRVS system. Currently, over 110 low- and middle-income countries have deficient CRVS systems. (Global Civil Registration and Vital Statistics). The statistics clearly show a disconnect between the systems governments implement, and the systems end-users require. Which begs the question, what are the underlying factors governments consider when selecting a civil registration system?


Interested in getting your thoughts @K_A_A_M @alvin.marcelo @sekou.amadou.maiga

Thanks for asking, @Njeri_OpenCRVS.

Obviously, the definitive answer to this question is both privileged and commercially sensitive, and therefore it might actually be worth the proverbial 64 million dollars.

Having said that, and imagining myself for a moment in the role of a decision-making government official, I think some of the most compelling points of attraction in the technology component of a modern CRVS system are not difficult to identify.

I hope I’ll be forgiven for making this observation on the eve of the Version 1.0 launch, but without itemising the most desirable eCRVS features from the demand perspective, I’d suggest that almost all of the key new functionality that OpenCRVS promises to supply in Version 2.0 would sway my judgement heavily in its favour.

Perhaps I’m being a little premature here, but I suspect strongly that’s not a bad thing in this instance.



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Thanks for your honest input as always, Kwabena. Indeed, version 2 promises additional vital events along with a host of other desirable features. By giving governments the core functionality that will enable more effective civil registration service delivery, we hope that they can get the product into the hands of users as soon as possible, address low registration rates, and then benefit from additional features and functionality over time as the basics are addressed…

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In our experience, we think preventing vendor lock-in is paramount, extensibility/flexibility, adherence to international standards, and ease of use at the end-user level. The last key component is that nice cozy safety-net called “technical support”, at the end of the day, this is what you pay for, everyone can offer you a platform, the real sauce is in the support contract.